Sports nutrion

четверг, 19 мая 2011 г.

Muscle gain tips

Muscle gain tips

In order to quickly and properly to improve muscle mass, you have to stick closely to detailed program. This program should cover aspects such as training with weights, diet and appropriate rest periods.

In an effort to increase muscle mass, think practically and decide which best suits for you and consistently stick to these principles:

1.exercise regularly with weights

If you want to get strong and muscular body, as well as the rapid increase in muscle mass - on a regular basis cilājiet weights. Weightlifting bar will be a great help if you make a workout routine.

Activities should take the time pietupieniem, traction, lifting above your head, push and pump exercise, as well as tapped lying. Repeat each exercise 8-12 times. This will help to quickly develop muscle mass.

2.Eat nutritious foods

In order to increase muscle mass, you have to eat more nutritious foods. Proteins are of great importance. Eat foods such as boiled eggs, lean meat, cooked chicken, cooked fish and seafood such as tuna, shrimp and salmon.

Diet do not forget to include vegetables, fruits and nuts. The more protein in your diet is, the stronger and larger muscles will develop.

3.Spend 30 minutes fast walking or quick race

Muscle mass building programs during the 30 minut of physical activity, take a fast walking, slow race, or even sprinting. These are a great way to promote faster metabolism and muscle development.

4. Every day, drink 12 glasses of water

You should drink at least 12 glasses of water each day. It is a natural way to expel toxins from the body and develop muscular strength.

5.Lots of Sleep

Also, sleeping is a very important role in building muscle mass. Spend at least 8 hours sleep, and remember - the more you gulēsiet, the stronger will be your muscles.


Try not to worry. Subject to muscle building program, two days a week, take a rest. Schedule a picnic or going to a favorite place. The more relaksēsieties between workouts, the better the muscles recover and become stronger.


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