Sports nutrion

воскресенье, 29 мая 2011 г.


What are the benefits of jogging

 Beginners Running strengthens the legs, thighs and abdominal muscles. And just like aerobic exercises, improve cardiovascular functioning, employing the heart muscle and improving oxygen supply to muscles. In addition, running reduces the risk of heart attack, improves your endurance, relieves stress and burns calories quickly. Depending on factors such as your weight, running speed and how hilly your choice is jogging route, within an hour you can burn between 500 to 1,000 calories.

How do I start?

Select the route that you can use any time of year (the days grow shorter, you may want to have it well-lit) and to have smooth and relatively soft surface such as asphalt or earth. Diversity youthful sharpness, just like with exercise. But if you're a beginner, you will have enough of a local school treadmill at least until you know your physical endurance limit.

Comfort and safety is very important for the proper selection of shoes, loose-fitting shoes can cause blistering and abrasion occurrence, even in the road and back injuries. Properly constructed running shoes are padded and flexible internal insole, breathable outer material and outer soles good ribbing. Feet must be well supported (if you have a curved shape of the foot, you will need liners). Ask the help of a vendor who is knowledgeable and the selection of running shoes every 400 to 500 miles, buy new shoes.

How often and how much should I run?

  Three times a week is enough. First of all - a slow pace Run on a smooth track about 15 minutes. Breathe deeply, but to be able to easily converse. Although, if it makes from time to time to reduce the rate and pace. Give yourself 6 - 8 weeks to be able to increase the load to a 30-minute run and then rest at least every other day.

According to the U.S. Running and Fitness Association states should increase the running distance more than 10% per week. Focus on a steady, slow running and do not worry about speed. When you feel comfortable enough, you'll want to run every day, but Take at least two days a week for rest (otherwise it could lead to a lower leg sprain or excessive strain). Remember, that are adequate to run three times a week to maintain good health, especially when combine with other exercises (weight training is a great addition). You can also experiment with running through the mountainous route, or differentiate between short-distance routes running higher speeds and longer trips to improve endurance.

What is a good running technique?

From the beginning iesildieties smooth walking or jogging slowly. Lower your shoulders to rest their hands and gently sweep along the sides. Feet from the beginning should be to support the knee and bend forward, off the ground, based on tiptoe. (If you decide to change from time to time jogging pace, try to run a short distance to tiptoe around 15 to 30 seconds). After running a few minutes to relax in the walk, then make the ankle, calf and thigh stretching exercises.


If you have chosen the route runs along the street, run in the direction of the flow of traffic. Intersection before crossing the street with the driver nodibiniet eye contact, to make sure he sees you. Most of the organizations running the reservation of jogging at night. However, if it is your only option, pull the light-colored clothing and reflective vests and buy a hand in bandages, a small reflector and makes you more visible to motorists. For safety, do not run alone and change your jogging routes.

Running a great strain on bones and joints - every step of increasing the weight of your three or even four times - so if you have a history of back, joint, or orthopedic problems, before the start to run, talk to your doctor.


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